Sunday, October 25, 2009

Causes of Breast Cancer

Women are blessed with breasts as natural beauty. Besides adding in the beauty of women they help them to attract opposite sex and to feed their babies as well. Sometimes their beauty turns out to be beast for them, by developing sever diseases.

Breast cancer is the most common and dangerous disease a woman can have. Causes are many, however for woman probability of breast cancer increases, in view of the fact that it is not common for men. Women after 30 years of are most likely to have breasts cancer. White women are more vulnerable to breasts cancer as compared to American or African women in United States.

Radiation Exposure
Women who have received therapy at an early age at the chest are at a greater risk to have breast cancer. X-rays have been in practice to trace the problems related to lungs and other parts of body. That makes the women unsecured against the risk of breast cancer. Also women working in chemical factories are most likely to have breast cancer.

Countries where women consume extra fats as the part of diet report high rate of breast cancer. Obesity is the factory that adds in the causes of breast cancer. It is also observed that environmental factors also contribute to the development of breast cancer. Women in Asian countries have less chance to develop breast cancer than women in United States.
Countries where consumption of alcohol is high, women are most likely to have breast cancer.

Breast cancer is also inherited. For that matter both maternal and paternal relatives can inherit the diseases. Usually first degree relatives are important for estimating the risk of breast cancer. If any of the first degree relative had breast cancer, then chances are there that you will have breast cancer. Apart from first degree relatives, grandparents and aunties, who lay in the category of second degree relatives can handover the genes of breast cancer making you susceptible to the diseases.

Having periods at an early age or experiencing a late menopause increases the risk of breasts cancer. Women having children at older age and women without children can also have breasts cancers. Also the women who have been using a combination of estrogen and progesterone for the hormonal treatment are most likely to develop breast cancer.

Risk of breast can be reduced by physical exercises and balanced diet. Women with kids can minimize the risk for breast cancer by feeding their babies properly. However it is advisable to have the breast cancer test in case of minor breasts diseases.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Breast cancer dose not happen all of the sudden, it takes certain time and condition to develop and grow. All these conditions are provided by the human themselves. As he doe not pay proper attention to the disease or do not even bother to examine breast, he is actually giving time to the breast cancer to grow. Risk factors of breast cancer are categorized into four types. These four broad types are

Personal and family factors
Age and gender are the most common risks associated with the breast cancer. Breast cancer is reported to be developed by females more than males. However women at the younger age are not seen to have breast cancer. The probability of breast cancer increases as the women cross the age limit of 30 years. However, there are situations where women at an early stage can have breast cancer.

Personal history of breast or any other type of cancer increases the chances if breast cancer. Women who have been getting hormonal treatment for birth control or other hormone or other hormone replacement treatments are most likely to have breast cancer. Also the women having menstrual periods at early time in life or at an older age is susceptible to breast cancer.

Breast cancer can also be inherited, for that matter first degree relatives take huge importance. For instance, if a woman has her mother or sister affected by breast cancer, she is most likely to have breast cancer. Second degree relatives (grandfathers and aunties) can also provide the risk of breast cancer.

Smoking and alcohol acts as catalyst for breast cancer. Women who are smoker or consume alcohol as well have chances to develop breast cancer. Also women having no children or having their first child after 30 years of her age are vulnerable to the risk of breast cancer. With the same time women using birth control with higher level of estrogens can easily develop breast cancer, if they use oral contraceptive for a longer period of time.

Obesity resulted due to the consumption of fast increases the risk of breast cancer. Physical inactivity tends to increase the risk of breast cancer.

Environmental factors
Women who are exposed to chemicals e-g working on chemical factories and farm houses have greater tendency to develop breast cancer. Also environment of certain countries support the breast cancer to grow. For instance, Asian women are less likely to have breast cancer than women in United States.

Breast Cancer Stages

Doctors have started to use the staging system in order to determine the effect of certain different factors and in order to help them organize the procedure necessary. The main reasons are to understand the outcome of the disease, to guide the entire treatment process, as well as providing a way to describe the extent of breast cancer. Overall there are four or five stages that doctors use.

Stage 0 is the first stage which is used to describe the type of breast cancer. In this stage there is no treatment since there is no actual evidence of cancer cells breaking out or invading the surrounding tissues.

Stage I is used to describe the invasive breast cancers, which may break into surrounding breast tissue. The tumor may measure up to a total of 2 centimeters and there may be no lymph nodes involved.

Stage II is categorized into two, IIA and IIB. Stage IIA is the description that there is no tumor that can be found, but cancer cells are found in lymph nodes. It can also mean that there is a tumor that measures 2 centimeters which has spread to the lymph nodes. It can also mean that the tumor has grown, but is not bigger than a total of 5 centimeters and has not yet spread into the lymph nodes. Stage IIB is the description used for when the tumor has grown to 5 centimeters and has spread into the lymph nodes, or the tumor has become larger than 5 centimeters but has not yet spread into the lymph nodes.

Stage III is the description which is divided into three categories of IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC. Stage III overall deals with cancer being clumped or sticking to other structures including the lymph nodes, the size of the tumor spreading throughout the chest wall, the cancer entering below the collarbone, and even into the breastbones.

Stage IV is the last and final description that doctors may use to inform the patient that the cancer has spread throughout the organs of the body which include the brain, liver, bone, and usually the lungs.

Types of Breast Cancer


There are many types of breast cancer, but two are more common in most women. They generally are named after the parts in the breast in which they start occurring. The first is ductal carcinoma and the second is lobular carcinoma. Those two are the most common types, and they appear in the breast’s milk ducts or the milk-producing glands.

In situ breast cancer or a noninvasive breast cancer is a type which the cells have remained within the place of the origin and have no spread around the breast tissue. Ductal carcinoma is a common type of noninvasive breast cancer as it keeps confined within the lining of the milk ducts.

Invasive breast cancers are ones which spread outside the membranes which line the lobule, or the ducts, and start to invade the surrounding areas. They travel to other parts in the body which are more commonly known as lymph nodes. Invasive ductal carcinoma consists of nearly 70% of breast cancers. The lining of the milk ducts eventually get thin and break; the cancer spreads through the wall and starts to apply itself to the breast tissue.

The cells may keep near the site of origin, but they still spread through out the body by using a woman’s blood stream. Invasive lobular carcinoma is less common but it invades in a similar way as it starts in the milk producing lobules then starts to break into the surrounding tissue, but they can also have the same type of spreading on different parts of a woman’s body. This type of cancer does not necessarily provide lumps, but thickens an area in general. The most aggressive types of breast cancer is inflammatory as it starts form sheets and nests instead of lumps underneath the soft tissues of the breast. It can easily be treated with chemotherapy and with some surgery later on. If caught early it is manageable and the survival rates are increasing.

The least common type of cancer is the cancer of the nipple, which is called Paget’s disease. It starts to look like a skin rash or rough skin around the nipple, which some people may consider as eczema, but those are just the minor signs of cancer being under the surface of the skin. The best way to treat this type of cancer is mastectomy, since it is around the nipple and milk ducts.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

There are many different symptoms which may occur in a woman when she is affected with breast cancer. Some major symptoms to look out for will be discussed. Overall it is usually the change or an affect on the breasts directly.

Lumps or thickening may occur within the breast or near the lymph nodes in the armpit. Although some of these lumps and thickening may be a resultant of hormonal changes, but if they persist in either region, then it may be something of a concern. Lymph nodes usually increase or swell when a body is fighting an invasion, whereas a lump in the breast tissue may be a resultant of problems in the ducts or the lobes of the breast.

A significant change in the size of the shape of a matured breast is usually one very common sign. Especially if only one breast is changing. A change in the size or shape in a breast usually indicates that the milk ducts or lobes within the breasts are swelling. This could be due to regular hormonal cycles, but if the changes are not in sync with regular periodical changes, then it is a major symptom of breast cancer.

Another major symptom is when fluid is leaking from the nipple. Fluid which is not milk nor bloody from both breasts, is what women have more to be on the lookout for. Although some may occur due to hormonal changes, and again is not a major concern, but if leakage if occurring from specifically from one nipple, there are several tests which have to be taken place in order to discover the cause.

Natural changes in a woman may come from aging, which may affect the shape and size of the nipples. However, if a nipple pulls in and does not easily return back to its original shape is a major symptom of breast cancer. Along with the change in the size of the nipple, there may also be some alteration in the color or texture of the nipple. If there are some dimples, puckers, or even rashes developing under the skin of the nipple, it is usually another sign of break cancer. If any of these symptoms are caught at an early age, it may lead to a curable state of breast cancer. © 2008. Design by :Yanku Templates Sponsored by: Tutorial87 Commentcute