Sunday, October 25, 2009

Causes of Breast Cancer

Women are blessed with breasts as natural beauty. Besides adding in the beauty of women they help them to attract opposite sex and to feed their babies as well. Sometimes their beauty turns out to be beast for them, by developing sever diseases.

Breast cancer is the most common and dangerous disease a woman can have. Causes are many, however for woman probability of breast cancer increases, in view of the fact that it is not common for men. Women after 30 years of are most likely to have breasts cancer. White women are more vulnerable to breasts cancer as compared to American or African women in United States.

Radiation Exposure
Women who have received therapy at an early age at the chest are at a greater risk to have breast cancer. X-rays have been in practice to trace the problems related to lungs and other parts of body. That makes the women unsecured against the risk of breast cancer. Also women working in chemical factories are most likely to have breast cancer.

Countries where women consume extra fats as the part of diet report high rate of breast cancer. Obesity is the factory that adds in the causes of breast cancer. It is also observed that environmental factors also contribute to the development of breast cancer. Women in Asian countries have less chance to develop breast cancer than women in United States.
Countries where consumption of alcohol is high, women are most likely to have breast cancer.

Breast cancer is also inherited. For that matter both maternal and paternal relatives can inherit the diseases. Usually first degree relatives are important for estimating the risk of breast cancer. If any of the first degree relative had breast cancer, then chances are there that you will have breast cancer. Apart from first degree relatives, grandparents and aunties, who lay in the category of second degree relatives can handover the genes of breast cancer making you susceptible to the diseases.

Having periods at an early age or experiencing a late menopause increases the risk of breasts cancer. Women having children at older age and women without children can also have breasts cancers. Also the women who have been using a combination of estrogen and progesterone for the hormonal treatment are most likely to develop breast cancer.

Risk of breast can be reduced by physical exercises and balanced diet. Women with kids can minimize the risk for breast cancer by feeding their babies properly. However it is advisable to have the breast cancer test in case of minor breasts diseases.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Breast cancer dose not happen all of the sudden, it takes certain time and condition to develop and grow. All these conditions are provided by the human themselves. As he doe not pay proper attention to the disease or do not even bother to examine breast, he is actually giving time to the breast cancer to grow. Risk factors of breast cancer are categorized into four types. These four broad types are

Personal and family factors
Age and gender are the most common risks associated with the breast cancer. Breast cancer is reported to be developed by females more than males. However women at the younger age are not seen to have breast cancer. The probability of breast cancer increases as the women cross the age limit of 30 years. However, there are situations where women at an early stage can have breast cancer.

Personal history of breast or any other type of cancer increases the chances if breast cancer. Women who have been getting hormonal treatment for birth control or other hormone or other hormone replacement treatments are most likely to have breast cancer. Also the women having menstrual periods at early time in life or at an older age is susceptible to breast cancer.

Breast cancer can also be inherited, for that matter first degree relatives take huge importance. For instance, if a woman has her mother or sister affected by breast cancer, she is most likely to have breast cancer. Second degree relatives (grandfathers and aunties) can also provide the risk of breast cancer.

Smoking and alcohol acts as catalyst for breast cancer. Women who are smoker or consume alcohol as well have chances to develop breast cancer. Also women having no children or having their first child after 30 years of her age are vulnerable to the risk of breast cancer. With the same time women using birth control with higher level of estrogens can easily develop breast cancer, if they use oral contraceptive for a longer period of time.

Obesity resulted due to the consumption of fast increases the risk of breast cancer. Physical inactivity tends to increase the risk of breast cancer.

Environmental factors
Women who are exposed to chemicals e-g working on chemical factories and farm houses have greater tendency to develop breast cancer. Also environment of certain countries support the breast cancer to grow. For instance, Asian women are less likely to have breast cancer than women in United States.

Breast Cancer Stages

Doctors have started to use the staging system in order to determine the effect of certain different factors and in order to help them organize the procedure necessary. The main reasons are to understand the outcome of the disease, to guide the entire treatment process, as well as providing a way to describe the extent of breast cancer. Overall there are four or five stages that doctors use.

Stage 0 is the first stage which is used to describe the type of breast cancer. In this stage there is no treatment since there is no actual evidence of cancer cells breaking out or invading the surrounding tissues.

Stage I is used to describe the invasive breast cancers, which may break into surrounding breast tissue. The tumor may measure up to a total of 2 centimeters and there may be no lymph nodes involved.

Stage II is categorized into two, IIA and IIB. Stage IIA is the description that there is no tumor that can be found, but cancer cells are found in lymph nodes. It can also mean that there is a tumor that measures 2 centimeters which has spread to the lymph nodes. It can also mean that the tumor has grown, but is not bigger than a total of 5 centimeters and has not yet spread into the lymph nodes. Stage IIB is the description used for when the tumor has grown to 5 centimeters and has spread into the lymph nodes, or the tumor has become larger than 5 centimeters but has not yet spread into the lymph nodes.

Stage III is the description which is divided into three categories of IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC. Stage III overall deals with cancer being clumped or sticking to other structures including the lymph nodes, the size of the tumor spreading throughout the chest wall, the cancer entering below the collarbone, and even into the breastbones.

Stage IV is the last and final description that doctors may use to inform the patient that the cancer has spread throughout the organs of the body which include the brain, liver, bone, and usually the lungs.

Types of Breast Cancer


There are many types of breast cancer, but two are more common in most women. They generally are named after the parts in the breast in which they start occurring. The first is ductal carcinoma and the second is lobular carcinoma. Those two are the most common types, and they appear in the breast’s milk ducts or the milk-producing glands.

In situ breast cancer or a noninvasive breast cancer is a type which the cells have remained within the place of the origin and have no spread around the breast tissue. Ductal carcinoma is a common type of noninvasive breast cancer as it keeps confined within the lining of the milk ducts.

Invasive breast cancers are ones which spread outside the membranes which line the lobule, or the ducts, and start to invade the surrounding areas. They travel to other parts in the body which are more commonly known as lymph nodes. Invasive ductal carcinoma consists of nearly 70% of breast cancers. The lining of the milk ducts eventually get thin and break; the cancer spreads through the wall and starts to apply itself to the breast tissue.

The cells may keep near the site of origin, but they still spread through out the body by using a woman’s blood stream. Invasive lobular carcinoma is less common but it invades in a similar way as it starts in the milk producing lobules then starts to break into the surrounding tissue, but they can also have the same type of spreading on different parts of a woman’s body. This type of cancer does not necessarily provide lumps, but thickens an area in general. The most aggressive types of breast cancer is inflammatory as it starts form sheets and nests instead of lumps underneath the soft tissues of the breast. It can easily be treated with chemotherapy and with some surgery later on. If caught early it is manageable and the survival rates are increasing.

The least common type of cancer is the cancer of the nipple, which is called Paget’s disease. It starts to look like a skin rash or rough skin around the nipple, which some people may consider as eczema, but those are just the minor signs of cancer being under the surface of the skin. The best way to treat this type of cancer is mastectomy, since it is around the nipple and milk ducts.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

There are many different symptoms which may occur in a woman when she is affected with breast cancer. Some major symptoms to look out for will be discussed. Overall it is usually the change or an affect on the breasts directly.

Lumps or thickening may occur within the breast or near the lymph nodes in the armpit. Although some of these lumps and thickening may be a resultant of hormonal changes, but if they persist in either region, then it may be something of a concern. Lymph nodes usually increase or swell when a body is fighting an invasion, whereas a lump in the breast tissue may be a resultant of problems in the ducts or the lobes of the breast.

A significant change in the size of the shape of a matured breast is usually one very common sign. Especially if only one breast is changing. A change in the size or shape in a breast usually indicates that the milk ducts or lobes within the breasts are swelling. This could be due to regular hormonal cycles, but if the changes are not in sync with regular periodical changes, then it is a major symptom of breast cancer.

Another major symptom is when fluid is leaking from the nipple. Fluid which is not milk nor bloody from both breasts, is what women have more to be on the lookout for. Although some may occur due to hormonal changes, and again is not a major concern, but if leakage if occurring from specifically from one nipple, there are several tests which have to be taken place in order to discover the cause.

Natural changes in a woman may come from aging, which may affect the shape and size of the nipples. However, if a nipple pulls in and does not easily return back to its original shape is a major symptom of breast cancer. Along with the change in the size of the nipple, there may also be some alteration in the color or texture of the nipple. If there are some dimples, puckers, or even rashes developing under the skin of the nipple, it is usually another sign of break cancer. If any of these symptoms are caught at an early age, it may lead to a curable state of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer : Explained in Detail

Breast Cancer is a form of cancer that occurs in the breast tissue. Although the breast is made up of similar tissues in both males and females, breast cancer occurs mostly in females.

Like other cancers, breast cancer is an uncontrollable growth of breast cells, and is caused due to the mutation of certain genes present in your breast cells. This mutation can either be genetically inherited, i.e. it might have come from your parents, or it happened during changes in your body, like aging or due to life in general. Breast Cancer can also occur due to hormonal changes in the body, like during menopause.

Types of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancers can be divided into four types based on the location they occur and whether it is a local one or not.
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, or DCIS
Lobular Carcinoma in situ or LCIS
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma or IDC
Invasive Lobular Carcinoma or ILC

Breast Cancer normally occurs either in the milk duct (Ductal), or in the lobules (Lobular) or glands that make milk. Both can either be ?in situ?, meaning it remains where it started and does not spread, or it may be ?invasive?, meaning it spreads into the surrounding tissues. Carcinoma is a word used for any cancer that begins in the skins or tissues covering internal organs.

Early Detection
There are no ways to prevent breast cancer. However, breast cancer can be treated effectively if it is detected in an early stage. Self Breast Examination for lumps and unusual changes should be carried out each month, preferably at the same time each month to minimize effects of menstruation. A clinical breast examination should be done once every year from ages 29 – 39, and once every year from the age of 40.

Primary diagnosis is done using mammography, an x-ray of the breast. If breast cancer is suspected or diagnosed, this is followed by MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and PET Scans.

The main form of treatment used for Breast Cancer is surgery. Depending on the size of the tumour, it can be lumpectomy, also known as breast conserving surgery, where only the tumour is removed, or mastectomy, where the entire breast is removed. Both forms of surgery are usually followed by radiotherapy, which is a form of treatment by exposure to radiation, to stop the cancer from spreading. Another major form of treatment is chemotherapy, where treatment is done through various forms of drugs. These drugs interfere with the growth of cancer cells, and thus help curing cancer. Breast cancer can also be treated using hormone therapy, using chemicals to stop activities of certain hormones. Hormone therapy can only be used if the cancer cells are responsive to hormones, and have varied side effects, ranging from vaginal dryness and weak bones to infertility. Even after effective removal of Breast Cancer, patients should be in constant touch with the physician to make sure that the cancer does not return.

Muscular Symptoms Causes Suggestions


Muscular cramps are involuntary contractions of the muscles that occur spontaneously or when doing exercises or physically straining activities.

Symptoms: Contraction of some muscle in the body causing pain, making it difficult to stretch or relax the muscle. It occurs most frequently in the legs, but can happen anywhere.

Causes: The principle causes can be from a deficiency of vitamin E, or from an imbalance between calcium and magnesium. They can also be caused by anemia, arthritis and atherosclerosis, as well as poor blood circulation. Fatigue and stress are other possible cause of cramps.

Suggestion: Take vitamin-E and minerals like calcium and magnesium; eat a balanced diet to eliminate any deficiency.

Suggested food supplements:

Sl Supplement Dose Remarks
1 Multivitamin 02/day Till complete relief
2 Protein powder 10gm/day Till complete relief
3 Vitamin E with selenium 01/day Till complete relief
4 Calcium & magnesium 02/day Till complete relief
5 Vitamin C 02/day Till complete relief
Take iron folic along with above if anemic
6 Iron with folic acid 01-02 tab/day Till complete relief

Suggested vitamins and minerals

A 15000 IU or/Beta Carotene 9mg C 180-400 mg E 600 IU
Calcium 1000mg Magnesium 500 mg Zinc 50mg

Chicken Pox Symptoms Causes Suggestions

Chicken pox is a childhood disease and is produced by a virus. This is a minor illness.

Symptoms: An itching occurs with the presence of red pimples which burst and cause ulcers or scabs. These appear on the body and alter on the face, arms and legs.

Causes: Are by contagious contact with others. Symptoms appear 2 or 3 weeks after contact

Suggestion: It generally disappears by itself. It is recommended to strengthen the immune system to eliminate infections.

Suggested food supplements:Sl Supplement Dosage Remarks
1 Multivitamin 03/day Till complete relief. There after 01/day for life time.
2 Omega – 3 01/day Till complete relief. Continue for 60 days
3 Calcium & Magnesium 02/day Till complete relief
4 Vitamin – C 01/day Till complete relief. Continue for 33 days
5 Vitamin E with selenium 01/day Till complete relief Continue for 33 days
6 Echinacea – Dosage- First day-03 tab at a time three times a day(09). 2nd day-03 tab at a time twice a day(06). 3rd-14th 03 tab at a time once a day(36). 15th-21st gap

22nd to 24th day 03 tablets at a time once a day.

Total 60

Suggested vitamins and minerals

A 15000 IU or/Beta carotene 9mg C 180 to 400mg E 600 IU
Calcium 1000mg Magnesium 500mg Zinc 50mg

Blood Infection Symptoms Causes Suggestions


Septicemia is a blood infection characterized by the fast multiplication of bacteria and the presence of toxins, which is why it is also called blood poisoning.

Fast breathing and loss of consciousness.
Skin rash.
Hot hands.

When there is a high amount of toxins produced by bacteria in the blood, a septic shock may occur. Septic shock is a highly dangerous condition in which body tissues are damaged.

There is also decrease in blood pressure and an excess of toxins in the body which damage cells and tissues. This causes the obstruction of the small veins in the body, interfering with normal circulation of the blood and principally affecting the kidney, heart and lung tissues.

Causes: When bacteria, in any part of the body such as an abscess, pneumonia or an intestinal infection escape into the blood stream. This disease may be contracted especially when the person has a weak immune system.

Suggested food supplementsSl Supplement Dosage Remarks
1 Multivitamin 01/day Till complete relief and thereafter for life time.
2 Omega 3 01/day Till complete relief and thereafter repeat after every six month(60 days cycle)
3 Vitamin C 03/day Till complete relief and thereafter repeat after every six month(30 days cycle)
4 Ipriflavone for bone health 02/day Till complete relief and thereafter repeat after every six month(30 days cycle)
5 Vitamin E with selenium 01/day Till complete relief and thereafter repeat after every six month(30 days cycle)
6 Echinacea 1st-14th-03 tab at a time once a day. Thereafter 07days gap. Again 03 tab at a time ones a day for 14 days. NOTE: continue till complete relief. Thereafter repeat after every six months

Suggested vitamins and minerals.C 360 to 1000mg E 400 IU
Zinc 60mg Selenium 300mcg

Cholesterol Symptoms Causes Suggestions

Cholesterol is a waxy substance necessary for cell metabolism, which also gives strength and resistance to the exterior cell membrane. Cholesterol also has a negative aspect. When too much of it is found floating in the blood stream, in can deposit itself on the walls of the arteries and begin a process of obstruction that leads to arteriosclerosis.

 Symptoms:The process is complicated; nevertheless, the situation is such that the cells connected to the blood vessel walls fill with cholesterol and from platelets (made of fat, cells and cell waste). These end up producing fat filed veins (Atherosclerosis). The inward bulging of the arteries take place because of the excessive pressure exerted by the free radicals. This obstructs the flow of oxygenated blood, causing a heart attack or apoplexy. The symptoms of this obstruction will be evidenced according to the area obstructed.

Examples: If the obstruction is in the arteries that supply blood to the head, the symptoms are:
Facial paralysis, and/or blindness is only one eye.
Paralysis is one side of the body, arm, leg, etc.
Difficulty in speaking.
Mental confusion.
Possible headache.

If the obstruction is in the coronary articles (or in the aorta to which they connect) that supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscles, the result is: A cardiac arrest in some one of its different forms (argina, heart attack).


Cholesterol and triglycerides are transported in the blood stream by particles called “Carrier Lipoproteins” which can be low density or high density.

About two decades ago, some researchers from the University of Texas won the Nobel Prize. Due to their discovery of how cholesterol enters the cells. They found that a form of lipoprotein. Called LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein, was responsible for transporting cholesterol to the cells of the artery walls.

The LDL sticks to some receptacles (Proteins) found on the surface of these cells, which act as chemical magnets, attracting these particles of Low Density Lipoproteins that unload the cholesterol inside the cells.

These cells found on the interior surface of the arteries contain a large number of receptacles that gather all the cholesterol that they can, overfilling themselves most of the time.

10 years later, some researches from the University of Washington discovered a way that the cells can get rid of this accumulated cholesterol. It was found that a natural element called High Density Lipoprotein (HDL). The cholesterol that is in the cells sticks to this lipoprotein and is carried away through the blood stream to the liver where it is processed and converted in to other elements.

If this cell mechanism of absorbing and releasing cholesterol is to work adequately, a healthy equilibrium of cholesterol needs to be maintained. Nevertheless, due to the cellular gluttony of this fatty element, the equilibrium breaks down, causing one to have more cholesterol than necessary.

Cholesterol and triglycerides (fats) are transported around the body in the form of lipoproteins. The two form the nucleus of the particle that surrounds them formed by phospholipids and apoproteins. These dump the cholesterol inside the cells.

According to recent agreements, the normal amount of cholesterol that one should have is 130 points of low density cholesterol and 70 points of high density cholesterol, for a total of 200 milligrams per 0.10 liters of blood.

Suggestion:If your physician has told you that you have high cholesterol or if you desire to prevent an excess of cholesterol from building up, you should do the following:
Remember that there is beneficial cholesterol and another that is harmful. We should have about one part of beneficial cholesterol for every two parts of harmful cholesterol.
Harmful cholesterol is that which is deposited in the arteries. Thus blocking the passage of blood.
Beneficial cholesterol helps clean the arteries, taking along with it the harmful cholesterol to the liver to be destroyed.
Avoid eating products that contain a large quantity of harmful cholesterol. Such as: egg yolk(high in cholesterol), Butter, some shellfish, entrails, chicken skin, meats, and some dairy products. Cholesterol is found in animal fat.
Avoid cooking with saturated fats, which also are very damaging to the body. Many products, including vegetables, contain them. Its better to cook with unsaturated oils like: corn oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, and peanut oil. Avocado contains beneficial mono-unsaturated fats.
Meals. Don’t eat meals high in saturated fats and cholesterol more than once a week. Learn to distinguish which foods contain beneficial fats and which contain harmful fats.
Omega-3 increases the consumption of fish oil and fish, especially those from cold waters such as tuna, cod, and salmon. These fish oils are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids called omega-3.

Omega-3 is rich in two substances EPA and DHA, important elements for lowering the harmful cholesterol level as well as that of triglycerides, thus decreasing the danger of artery blockage.
Omega-9 and Omega-6 consume olive oil, which contains omega-9 unsaturated fatty acids. Or consume borage or evening primrose oil, which is high in GLA and Omege-6. The consumption of these, oil significantly reduces harmful cholesterol.
Fiber – It has been proven that the consumption of a diet high in fiber. Bile acids are formed in the liver due to the cholesterol, present there. The more bile acids secreted, the more cholesterol used by the liver to produce more bile acids. Therefore, more cholesterol is extracted from the blood to be transformed in to bile, which previously is taken from the body along with food wastes. This then lowers the cholesterol in the blood and in the same way, the cholesterol deposited in the arteries.
Stress – How does stress affect cholesterol? A person with type ‘A’ personality is more easily stressed that another with type ‘B’ personality. Stress provokes a series of reactions in the body through the sympathetic nervous system, which keeps a person in a state of alert. One of the reactions is the constriction of the arteries and veins. Which are weakened by the sympathetic nervous system, some being the coronary veins and arteries? That is, those that supplies blood to the heart muscle. As a result of too much cholesterol deposited in these vessels, blood flow is easily blocked during contractions. This causes a heart attack.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) – It has been found that Niacin taken in dosages of 500 mg. 3 to 6 times a day significantly reduces the cholesterol level and triglycerides from 15 to 30% at the same time. It increases beneficial cholesterol according to an article published in the “Journal of the American Medical Association, as well as many other studies.

This therapy has some side effects that are very minor, like: a prickly sensation in

The skin, principally of the arms, back and chest, the skin can become red

Especially when in the sun. All of this is totally harmless. Nevertheless consult

your physician before taking this treatment.
Exercise – Exercise not only burns fat but also reduces a person’s weight. It makes the circulatory and muscular systems function better by means of greater oxygenation, which causes a greater and better combustion of sugar within the cells. Indirectly it lowers blood cholesterol. This is well proven by a great number of studies, such as those done at the universities of California and Oklahoma.

Suggested food supplements to maintain balance in cholesterol levels and remove artery blockages( Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis) and maintenance schedule there after:Sl Supplement Dosage Remarks
1 Multivitamin 03/day Till complete blockage removed or cholesterol normal. Thereafter 01/day for life time.
2 Omega 3 01/day Till complete blockage removed or cholesterol normal. Thereafter 01/day for 60 days. Repeat every six months.
3 Vitamin C 03/day Till complete blockage removed or cholesterol normal. Thereafter repeat every six months
4 Vitamin E with Selenium 01/day Till complete blockage removed or cholesterol normal. Thereafter repeat every six months
5 Calcium & Magnesium 02/day Till complete blockage removed or cholesterol normal.
6 Vitamin B complex 03/day Till complete blockage removed or cholesterol normal.
7 Ipriflavone for bone health 02/day Till complete blockage removed or cholesterol normal. Thereafter 02/day for 30 days. Repeat every six months.

Suggested vitamins and mineralsAll vitamins especially A 25000 IU/Beta Carotene 9 mg C 180-1000mg Vitamin E 600 IU
B3 (Niacin – 500mg
Selenium-200 mg Germanium 60mg Calcium 1000mg

LDL or Bad Cholesterol Level

Low-density lipoproteins are considered as bad cholesterol which circulates throughout the blood streams and they slowly build up within the inner walls of the arteries that connect to the heart and brain. When these low density lipoproteins are combined with other substances, they often form plaque, which can be a thick and hard deposit that can narrow down arteries and make them less flexible. Along with the loss in flexibility, there is a loss in the flow of the blood. This condition is more commonly known as atherosclerosis. When a person is suffering from atherosclerosis, a clot can form and block the narrow arteries which can result in a stroke or even a heart attack.

The levels of low density lipoproteins are better when they are lower, the lower they are, the lower the risk of having a stroke or heart attack is. Overall, there are five categories that the levels fall into, optimal which is less than 100mg/dL, 100 to 129 mg/dL is considered as Near Optimal or Above Optimal, 130 to 159 mg/dL is considered to be Borderline High, 160 to 189 mg/dL is considered as having a High LDL Level, anything above 190 mg/dL falls under something that is Very High.

There are many other risk factors when it comes to heart disease and strokes which can help determine the LDL level of a person as well as give the person a proper and appropriate fitting treatment specifically just for them. A healthy level for one may not always be the same healthy for another friend or person. It is extremely important to be honest and open with your doctors and discuss all available treatments, the differences between levels, and the best plan that works for you overall.

There are many doctors that help profile your cholesterol level which may give you a great starting point as to learning about what you can do to prevent and treat yourself if your LDL cholesterol level is specifically high. Doctors can provide a report with information that you need to fully understand in order to maintain and manage your cholesterol level, the different health risks that may affect you and the available treatments that are open to you.

HDL or Good Cholesterol Levels

HDLs are the smallest lipoprotein particles, however highest proportion of protein makes it dense for the blood. There is a group of lipoproteins which is responsible for the transportation of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore for a healthy, HDL carries about thirty percent of the blood. Their job is to collect the fat on the walls of the arteries, so that it can be excreted.

It is assumed that cholesterol from arteries can be removed by HDL, and send to the liver for reutilization. This is the only reason that makes HDL good cholesterol. Heart diseases are protected by the HDL due to their good nature. Since they act as the barrier for cardiovascular diseases, therefore decrease in HDL may make the human health vulnerable to heart diseases.

HDL level in men is much lower as compared to women; also they are small in size and with lower cholesterol content. This increases the chances for man to have cardiovascular diseases than women. Besides heart low HDL levels also affect the mind, it causes weak memory. In case of low HDL level in the late middle age, person is most likely to become victim of dementia.

Methods are there to raise the HDL level in the blood; these methods make use of fibrates and niacin. These are the substances which eliminate the problem regarding metabolism increasing the efficiency of liver and eliminates the metabolism problems. These are the strongest agents available and tend to raise HDL level up to 10%-30%. Besides that these drugs do not have any side affects.

Balanced and controlled diet can help the body to maintain required HDL level in the blood. HDL level starts decreasing when there is a greater consumption of fats. This weakens the strength of HDL, which then becomes dangerous for the human health, causing heart disease. For that matter physical exercise, especially aerobics can help the body to maintain the cholesterol level in the blood. Excessive weight can cause a lower HDL level. Alcohol can help to raise the HDL level, as in case of alcohol consumption liver needs more and more cholesterol to save it from alcohol. However excess alcohol consumption of alcohol can affect the performance of liver affecting the performance of the HDL.

What is Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a substance that is produced from the liver and found in certain foods. It is specifically needed to make vitamin D along with some other important hormones, as well as to build cell walls, and creating a specific type of salt, bile salt, which helps in digesting fat. Our bodies can produce enough to keep us from digesting our food okay, but it is hard to avoid it since many foods readily available today contain it. One thing that psychology and science has taught us is that too much of anything is a bad thing, and that applies with cholesterol as well.

It can be a negative thing if too much is absorbed that it can circulate in the blood stream. If the cholesterol level in the blood gets high, they tend to clog the blood stream which increases risks and sometimes is the reason behind heart disease and strokes. We make too much cholesterol if we eat too much saturated fat, the fats found in animal based foods as well as diary products. Along with the intake, we produce a good sum of cholesterol from our own liver.

There are a total of two different types of cholesterol, and unlike what we may normally think, not all cholesterol is harmful to our bodies. Low-density lipoprotein is the bad type of cholesterol which may clog up blood vessels which in return increases your risk for heart diseases. The second type of cholesterol is high-density lipoprotein which is a good type of cholesterol since it clears the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol out of the blood stream and reduces the overall risk for strokes and heart diseases.

Cholesterol is a type of a lipid which is commonly found in many food sources, especially animal sources. Our bodies produce nearly 1,000 milligrams a day, and we consume many milligrams from the foods we eat daily. It had to be combined with specific proteins in order to be transferred throughout the body, which in return starts blocking those blood streams. Nearly a quarter to a third of the amount of cholesterol is high-density, which also carries cholesterol straight back to the liver so that it can be processed again and sent back out.

Chemotherapy Cancer Treatment and Side Effects

Cancer has developed into an extremely lethal and common cause of death. With over 180,000 deaths attributed to it in the US over the last year, Cancer continues to be among the leading causes of death. However, treatments such as Chemotherapy and radiology have evolved continuously as well and offer a significant degree of cure. There are nonetheless, considerable side effects to chemotherapy cancer treatments.

Chemotherapy cancer treatments are based on specific drugs which stop the division and reproduction of cancer cells. They affect the healthy and the infected cells alike and so carry a number of side effects. It should be noted however that not all people react to the drugs the same way. Therefore, not all patients exhibit these side effects and even those that do, show varying degrees.

The main regions affected by chemotherapy cancer treatment are the sensitive areas, such as hair follicles, the lining of the mouth, skin and bone marrow. These are also the areas where cells reproduce most rapidly.

Bone Marrow is the body’s prime source of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. The side effect of stopping the production supply has severe consequences on the body since white blood cells are required to keep the immune system effective while red blood cells carry the body’s oxygen supply. Platelets are essential for stopping excessive bleeding and helping the blood to clot.

This can lead to an increased susceptibility to infections, since the body’s immune system stops working. The loss of red blood cells is also seriously counter productive since it causes less oxygen to go around the body. The patient starts to feel tired and lethargic as well as experiences dizzying spells. Chemotherapy cancer treatment also causes severe deficiency in blood platelets, which therefore reduces the body’s ability to clot blood from open wounds. This increases the risk of excessive bleeding.

Chemotherapy cancer treatment can also lead to hair loss since hair cells are among the most easily damaged ones in the body. However, they are also the most easily regenerated. The side effect of chemotherapy drugs is that the regenerative properties of the cells are subdued and thus new cells are not easily formed. This leads to continued hair loss.

Apart from these, there are other significant side effects of chemotherapy cancer treatments. These include diarrhea and constipation, inability to taste, soreness in the mouth and excessiveness dryness and similar skin problems.

Blood Pressure Disorders

There are many blood pressure disorders, but the main one is hypertension, or more commonly known as high blood pressure. High blood pressure is when there is an abnormally high blood pressure within the arteries of a person.

Antihypertensive drugs are given to a person as well as advice to lose weight, stop smoking, and decreasing the fat and salt within their diets, which all play a very high part in developing high blood pressure.

The word itself, hypertension, means tension or stress. It has been called a silent killer as when the pressure increases within the arteries, there can be certain problems like strokes, aneurysm, heart failures, heart attack, and damage to the kidney. There are many different causes as to hypertension.

One of the most common types of hypertension is primary hypertension which occurs between a total of 90% of people affected with high blood pressure. The amount of blood that is pumped is increased and the resistance to the blood flow may be increased since the vessels are constricted themselves.

Along with the rapid increase in flow of the blood, the volume of the blood level is also increased. There are no definite understood reasons as to why or how, but there is a tendency that it occurs with people who have inherited an abnormal constriction of arterioles.

The rest of the 10% are usually affected by secondary hypertension in which the high blood pressure is a resultant of a kidney disorder. Kidney disorders can cause high blood pressure since they are very important in controlling blood pressure. Damages to the kidneys may leave the kidneys unable to remove salt and water from within the body, thus causing a rapid increase in blood volume and blood pressure.

Few patients may have another hormonal disorder which may cause high blood pressure. This hormonal disorder can occur from certain drugs like contraceptives or birth control pills. There are many factors which affect high blood pressure. Most often they are a stressful life, which includes smoking or excessive amounts of alcohol.

Obesity is also a major factor. Stress causes blood pressure to increase, but it decreases when the person returns to a normal state of mind. Any type of hypertension may result in high blood pressure, including stress from visiting a doctor’s office which may alter the actual results

Common Blood Disorders

Blood has been keeping the history by inheriting the masculine traits from generation to generations. However every man dose not make the history, he might be inheriting something that may end the future of his generations. Blood disorders are commonly inherited diseases. This inheritance may not make you siblings be proud of you.

Common blood disorders are present in most of the population, however only few are aware of them. Reason for this awareness is their responsible behavior for their health. “Blood work” that the laboratory testes and diagnostic treatment is essential to know any disorder about the blood running in your veins.

Anemia, Blood Cholesterol, Hemophilia, High Blood Pressure and
HIV/AIDS are the common blood disorders. Anemia is an inherited blood disorders and is caused to inherited abnormality of the red blood cells. Decreased number of red blood cells or decreased number of substances in red blood cell may cause this disorder. In this disease ability of blood to provide desired level of oxygen is affected to due poor performance of the red blood cells. Dizziness, tinnitus, syncope, headache, irritability, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, palpitation and fatigue are the main symptoms of anemia.

Excess of cholesterol builds up on the walls of the arteries that carry blood, causing major heart diseases. This may narrows the arteries, which make the blood flow slower. When the heart receives less blood, it is not able to produce the desired level of oxygen. The patient will feel cheat pain which eventually result into heart attack and in cases death.

High blood pressure is the abnormal flow of blood into the human body. High blood pressure causes hypertension. Hemophilia is also a genetic disease; blood of Hemophilia patient loses its bloody form firm clot in normal conditions. The patient will bleed for hours after an injury. It may cause internal bleeding to the patient which damages the tissues and can be fatal for the patient.

HIV is the most discussed blood disorder since it can not be cured; therefore everybody is advised to prevent the disease by adopting proper precautionary measures. Use of condoms while having sex, new syringes and only approved bloods should be used in case of emergency. Any compromise on theses factor may cause HIV, which not curable and fatal. All these common disorders can grow into major heart disease if not cured properly.

White Blood Cell Disorders

White blood cells are the crucial players of immune system. To kill and digest the harmful substance, white blood cells should receive the message about the entrance of harmful substance in the body. To kill the organism an equate number of white blood cells are used. White blood cells are produces in bone marrow like other blood cells, however they go though a whole process to get mature. Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, and Basophils are the five types and steps in the life cycle of the white blood cells.

White blood cells have to maintain a given amount in the body, any increase or decrease will cause the human boy act abnormally against the infections. Leukopenia is the disorder where the number of white blood cells decreases (Lymphocytes) in the human body. This disorder make the human body vulnerable to infections as the ability to combat against the infection depends on the number of white blood cells in the body.

There are several causes for white blood cell disorders. However malaria, influenza, typhus, dengue and Rickettsial infections are the main causes of white blood cells disorders. If any infection is not cured for a longer period of time, it weakens the white blood position in the composition of blood, which may even cause death.

Certain deficiencies in certain substances required for the development of white blood cells can cause white blood cells disorders. Mainly Neutrophils and Lymphocytes are the two types of the white blood cells causing white blood cell disorders. Neutrophils are the type of white blood cells that fight against bacteria and destroy it. Any decrease in the number Neutrophils will cause serious illness. They last for about eight hours, therefore they have to be produced and retained by the body consistently. Increase in the number of white blood cell the will occur with the abnormal release of white blood cells in the blood. This will interrupt the human body function and will create disorders.

In absence of white blood cells anemia, bleeding and infection are the major disorder that may arise. Without adequate number of white blood cells the body loses its ability to fight against the infection or injury. Which eventually results into anemia in that sitation patient bleeds for hours after the injury. This may causes internal bleeding to the patient, which can be fatal for him.

Blood Platelet Disorders/Blood Coagulation Disorders

Another growing problem which we witness everyday is the growing problem of blood platelet disorder. We hear it everyday and yet most of us are not fully aware of what exactly this disease is. Blood platelet disorder is basically the inability to make platelets which help to stop clotting process in blood. Therefore, if a person develops blood platelet disorder, he would normally have a deficiency of producing blood platelets. This represents in quick blood loss. These individuals have a great tendency to loose blood. Therefore if you notice blood staying on skin, you must take that seriously since it is the very first sign of blood platelet disorder.

There are many reasons which can lead to blood platelet disorder. However, a major reason for the cause of platelet disorder is the non-functioning of bone marrow. It might be due to the fact that bone marrow is not making proper platelets due to some disease like cancer, HIV or some other severe infection.

There are many signs which can be taken as the signs for blood platelet disorder. The first one however is the bleeding of the skin and small dots appearing all over the skin. You might observe dots all over the skin. Apart from this the individual might be easily prone to bleeding even when there is a little injury. Bruises also occur very easily. Apart from this the appearing of blood in stool is another sign. In this case you should not confuse it with piles. Therefore refer to your doctor as soon as you observe.

However an important point to note is that even if you have all these signs appearing to you, you can still not be sure that this is all due to the platelets. Therefore, it is wise to go see a doctor and undergo a proper check up to find this out. If the doctor sees a decrease in the platelet count (normally 20,000 to 30,000 is regarded as low), he would tell you that you have platelet disorder. Testing a piece of bone marrow is another test for finding out about blood platelet disorder.

If the level of platelets drops to 20,000 or 30,000, the individual is rapidly admitted in a hospital and put under proper treatment. Treatment for blood platelet disorder varies according to the seriousness of disorder.

Non surgical Hair Restoration Treatments – Easy Ways to Hair Re-Growth

Hair loss is much of an annoyance for all who face it. There are different types of hair loss. In some cases, the hair starts thinning and others barely have hair on the scalp. Here are a few tips for those who want to get hair restored without going through any surgical procedure.

The first thing that should be looked into while treating a patient suffering hair loss is his diet habits and fitness. Poor eating habits do affect hair, teeth and nails. So the patient suffering from hair loss needs to improve upon the protein intake and be careful of the vitamins and nutrient content in his diet. A good medical practitioner would therefore prescribe medication that brings about a general fitness and health and personal well being. People with hair loss should also be looked into their stress factors.

The stress in a person plays a great role in thinning out of hair and his general well being. The key minerals in the diet and dietary supplements are also need for patients to be treated with hair loss problem. The best thing is to see a medical practitioner as fast as possible to deal with this grave problem. Hair loss in women is caused due to pregnancy and a new born mother is seen to suffer from hair loss. This can be treated with replenishing her diet with necessary vitamins and supplements.

There are other non-surgical treatments available for hair loss like a simple hair massage with almond or coconut oil that helps strengthen the hair follicles. The other treatments are applications like Minoxidil which causes hair re growth and other medicines for applications as well as oral medications. The non surgical treatments are hassle free and only need a meticulous approach because they must be applied and taken regularly. There should be follow ups so that the hair growth is constantly revived. The surgical treatments however need a one-time treatment and the hassle is over. Whatever it is, when hair loss occurs the treatment takes place on time with the help of a professional practitioner, the problem can be dealt with successfully.

Prevention of Implants and Surgical Methods

With the help of modern science and never ending research being carried out in field of the medical, there are more and more medical solutions being invented. A common practice which has been carried out since a considerable amount of time is implantation. Implantation has been a significant factor of medical studies since a long period of time. This is the process of which a lot of pregnant women face when they already had missed their period. Implantation is the process whereby the embryo attaches itself to the wall inside the uterus. Although, it does not get fully attached to the wall of uterus, in fact it only tries to do so.

At this time the embryo is in shape of a blastocyst, therefore the adhesion forces the embryo to burst and therefore the little blood cells are flown out. This would be very different from the normal blood loss that you have during you periods. The color of this blood would rather be pinkish or pale red. One thing that you need to know is that you should not panic when implantation occurs. Many women take greats tress when they find about implantation. They confuse it with their periods and often take unwanted stress.

Implantation is a very normal thing and can occur with any woman. However, there is no set rule for which women are normally prone to implantation. Preventing implantation is one question that many women usually ask. Some believe that there are herbs which can help to control the implantation while others believe that implantation can be cured if you move around and do regular exercise. None of this is true. Actually, implantation does not have any specific prevention and you do not even need prevention. This is a very normal case which indicates that you are on the road to pregnancy.

There are some surgical methods which can also cause implantation. The doctors have to be careful while inserting surgical tools through vagina. This can hurt the delicate walls and thus, cause implantation. However, implantation is normal and can happen to any woman so you do not have to be worried about implantation coming to you.

10 Essential Health Tips

1. Move More
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!

2. Cut Fat
Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!

3. Quit Smoking
The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.

4. Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.

5. Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.

6. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.

7. Floss Your Teeth
Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.

8. Avoid Excessive Drinking
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.

9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.

10. Choose Your Parents Well
The link between genetics and health is a powerful one. But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn't mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. Thought for the day: Follow these basic tips for healthy living and you can better control your own destiny.

Tips to Quit Smoking

Cigarette smoking is a dangerously addictive habit. The health risk related to cigarette smoking are numerous and include the increased risk of heart attack and cancer. Despite the well-known health risks related to smoking, quitting can be very difficult for most individuals. Read the following tips and advice concerning how to quit smoking. The first step in quitting smoking is making a strong commitment. If you want to succeed at kicking the tobacco habit you need to set a date to stop and stick to it. Decide why you want to stop. Make a list of all the reasons you should quit.

On your chosen quitting date throw away all your cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, and any other smoking related things. Clean your bedding, clothing, house, and your car to get rid of the tobacco smell. Do not smoke at all, not even one cigarette. It will be much harder for you to quit if you allow yourself to cheat here and there. Try to find other activities to engage in to distract yourself from wanting to smoke. Talk to a friend, take a walk, read a good book, go jogging, or get busy with an interesting new activity. There are withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking, which can include weight gain and depression. Eat healthy and exercise to help fight weight gain. Remember your goal and do not allow gaining a few extra pounds to distract you from it. Remember, continuing to smoke is far more dangerous to your health than gaining a little weight. Try some different ways of improving your mood and relieving tension such as exercise, deep breathing, and prayer. For more advice and help for quitting smoking talk to your doctor. Most of all, when quitting smoking, it is important to remember you are only human. If you have a relapse and smoke a cigarette do not waste time berating yourself. Instead, quit again. Never give up!

Older adults - staying fit and healthy

Your weight
Expert advice to help you maintain a healthy weight

Dissatisfied with your weight?
We're bombarded with scare stories about weight, from size zero to the obesity 'epidemic'. But a healthy weight is determined by different factors for each of us. Our expert advice is designed to help you achieve and maintain a healthy, life-enhancing weight.

Overweight or underweight?
Being the right weight has a positive effect on wellbeing but also on our health, as being the wrong weight can cause a range of medical problems.

Eating well and being active will help you stay fit and healthy so you can live life to the full and reduce the risks of ill health.

Older adults in the UK
The number of older adults in the world is growing both in absolute and relative terms. In 1994, 16 per cent of the UK population was aged over 65. By 2031, this will increase to 23 per cent, and 10 per cent of this figure will be made up of people over 75 years old. The greatest challenge over the coming years will be maintaining the health of this increasing number of older adults.

Deciding what we mean by 'older people' is a little arbitrary. The World Health Organization classifies people aged between 45 and 59 as 'middle age', 60 to 74 as 'elderly' and over 75 as 'old'.

But the nutritional needs of older adults are difficult to neatly categorise into absolute age groups. Dietary needs depend on current health, and while many older people are fit and active, some others who are younger may be frail and require additional care.

Nutrition for generally fit and healthy older adults
Research shows that remaining active can help to maintain both mental and physical health. Keeping up the activities you enjoy doing will help to maintain physical fitness and preserve muscle tissue. Preserving your strength will help to maintain your independence. Remember, activity doesn't necessarily mean joining an exercise class. Gardening, walking to the shops and housework can all count as types of activity too.

Energy requirements can decline with age, particularly if physical activity is limited, but the need for protein, vitamins and minerals remains the same. It's vital that food choices are nutritionally dense, which means you still need to eat a variety of foods to get all the vitamins and minerals you need, but with fewer calories. If you're overweight or obese, it's even more important to be calorie conscious.

Advice to restrict fat intake, particularly cutting saturated fat to improve heart health, remains true for older people who are fit and well. A dietary survey of older people showed most eat too much saturated fat. Above the age of 75, fat restriction is less likely to be beneficial, and isn't appropriate if the person is frail, has suffered weight loss or has a very small appetite. In fact, in these situations additional fat may be used to increase the calories in meals and snacks to aid weight gain. Read our tips for tackling nutritional problems for older people.

Older people can suffer from constipation and bowel problems mainly due to a reduced gut motility and inactivity. To relieve this, try eating high-fibre cereal foods, fruit and vegetables. Raw bran and excessive amounts of very high-fibre foods are not the answer, though; they're too bulky and may interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. To help the gut work properly, it's also important to drink plenty of fluid, approximately eight medium glasses a day.

Dehydration can make people feel drowsy or confused, it's important to drink, even if this means extra trips to the toilet. The risk of dehydration can be higher in older people because their kidneys don't function as efficiently as those of younger people. Older people are also not as sensitive to the feeling of thirst. Fluid intake doesn't just mean water - it can also include such drinks as tea, coffee, fruit juice and squash.

Generally fit and healthy older people should limit foods and drinks that are rich in sugar, as it can impair dental health and contribute to weight gain when energy intake is too high. But for people who have a poor appetite, or who have lost weight, sugar-rich foods can be a useful source of calories.

Anaemia is common in older adults. Poor absorption of iron, due to changes in the gastrointestinal tract, blood loss and the use of certain drugs - together with a poor dietary intake - may be causal factors. Make sure your iron intake is sufficient by eating red meat and foods from non-meat sources (such as fortified cereals, dried fruit, pulses and green leafy vegetables) every day. Absorption of iron from a meal containing non-meat sources is maximised by consuming foods rich in vitamin C at the same time (such as a glass of fruit juice, fresh fruit or vegetables).

Older adults - staying fit and healthy

Your weight
Expert advice to help you maintain a healthy weight

Dissatisfied with your weight?
We're bombarded with scare stories about weight, from size zero to the obesity 'epidemic'. But a healthy weight is determined by different factors for each of us. Our expert advice is designed to help you achieve and maintain a healthy, life-enhancing weight.

Overweight or underweight?
Being the right weight has a positive effect on wellbeing but also on our health, as being the wrong weight can cause a range of medical problems.

Eating well and being active will help you stay fit and healthy so you can live life to the full and reduce the risks of ill health.

Older adults in the UK
The number of older adults in the world is growing both in absolute and relative terms. In 1994, 16 per cent of the UK population was aged over 65. By 2031, this will increase to 23 per cent, and 10 per cent of this figure will be made up of people over 75 years old. The greatest challenge over the coming years will be maintaining the health of this increasing number of older adults.

Deciding what we mean by 'older people' is a little arbitrary. The World Health Organization classifies people aged between 45 and 59 as 'middle age', 60 to 74 as 'elderly' and over 75 as 'old'.

But the nutritional needs of older adults are difficult to neatly categorise into absolute age groups. Dietary needs depend on current health, and while many older people are fit and active, some others who are younger may be frail and require additional care.

Nutrition for generally fit and healthy older adults
Research shows that remaining active can help to maintain both mental and physical health. Keeping up the activities you enjoy doing will help to maintain physical fitness and preserve muscle tissue. Preserving your strength will help to maintain your independence. Remember, activity doesn't necessarily mean joining an exercise class. Gardening, walking to the shops and housework can all count as types of activity too.

Energy requirements can decline with age, particularly if physical activity is limited, but the need for protein, vitamins and minerals remains the same. It's vital that food choices are nutritionally dense, which means you still need to eat a variety of foods to get all the vitamins and minerals you need, but with fewer calories. If you're overweight or obese, it's even more important to be calorie conscious.

Advice to restrict fat intake, particularly cutting saturated fat to improve heart health, remains true for older people who are fit and well. A dietary survey of older people showed most eat too much saturated fat. Above the age of 75, fat restriction is less likely to be beneficial, and isn't appropriate if the person is frail, has suffered weight loss or has a very small appetite. In fact, in these situations additional fat may be used to increase the calories in meals and snacks to aid weight gain. Read our tips for tackling nutritional problems for older people.

Older people can suffer from constipation and bowel problems mainly due to a reduced gut motility and inactivity. To relieve this, try eating high-fibre cereal foods, fruit and vegetables. Raw bran and excessive amounts of very high-fibre foods are not the answer, though; they're too bulky and may interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. To help the gut work properly, it's also important to drink plenty of fluid, approximately eight medium glasses a day.

Dehydration can make people feel drowsy or confused, it's important to drink, even if this means extra trips to the toilet. The risk of dehydration can be higher in older people because their kidneys don't function as efficiently as those of younger people. Older people are also not as sensitive to the feeling of thirst. Fluid intake doesn't just mean water - it can also include such drinks as tea, coffee, fruit juice and squash.

Generally fit and healthy older people should limit foods and drinks that are rich in sugar, as it can impair dental health and contribute to weight gain when energy intake is too high. But for people who have a poor appetite, or who have lost weight, sugar-rich foods can be a useful source of calories.

Anaemia is common in older adults. Poor absorption of iron, due to changes in the gastrointestinal tract, blood loss and the use of certain drugs - together with a poor dietary intake - may be causal factors. Make sure your iron intake is sufficient by eating red meat and foods from non-meat sources (such as fortified cereals, dried fruit, pulses and green leafy vegetables) every day. Absorption of iron from a meal containing non-meat sources is maximised by consuming foods rich in vitamin C at the same time (such as a glass of fruit juice, fresh fruit or vegetables).


Your weight
Expert advice to help you maintain a healthy weight

Dissatisfied with your weight?
We're bombarded with scare stories about weight, from size zero to the obesity 'epidemic'. But a healthy weight is determined by different factors for each of us. Our expert advice is designed to help you achieve and maintain a healthy, life-enhancing weight.

Overweight or underweight?
Being the right weight has a positive effect on wellbeing but also on our health, as being the wrong weight can cause a range of medical problems.

Teenagers go through many changes, and it's vital their diets keep pace with this development.

Teenagers and diet
Teenagers' diets should sustain growth and promote good health. During this time, a number of physiological changes occur that affect nutritional needs, including rapid growth and considerable gains in bone and muscle (especially in boys). This is also a time when teenagers begin to develop real independence from their parents, including making decisions about the food they eat. Teenagers often choose food in response to peer pressure or as an act of defiance against parents. It's not all bad news, as there are many opportunities to encourage healthy dietary habits in teenagers, particularly when relating good food choices to sporting or physical prowess. Ensure there are plenty of healthy options available at home for healthy meals and snacks.

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey of Young People Aged 4-18 Years provides detailed information on the nutritional intake and physical activity levels of young people in the UK. .

The findings reveal average consumption of saturated fat, sugar and salt is too high, while that of starchy carbohydrates and fibre is low. During the seven-day recording period, more than half the young people surveyed hadn't eaten any citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables (such as cabbage or broccoli), eggs or raw tomatoes. The survey also showed that one in ten teenagers have very low intakes of vitamin A, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Intake of iron and calcium was also below ideal levels among many of the teenagers. Meanwhile the rising levels of obesity suggest many young people are eating too many calories.

Iron deficiency
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the UK. In the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, up to 13 per cent of teenage boys and 27 per cent of girls were found to have low iron stores. Rapid growth, coupled with a fast lifestyle and poor dietary choices, can result in iron-deficiency anaemia. Teenage girls need to take particular care because their iron stores are depleted each month following menstruation.

The main dietary source of iron is red meat, but there are lots of non-meat sources, too, including fortified breakfast cereals, dried fruit, bread and green leafy vegetables. The body doesn't absorb iron quite as easily from non-meat sources, but you can enhance absorption by combining them with a food rich in vitamin C (found in citrus fruits, blackcurrants and green leafy vegetables). In contrast, tannins found in tea reduce the absorption of iron, so it's better to have a glass of orange juice with your breakfast cereal than a cup of tea.

Calcium deficiency
The survey also highlighted that 25 per cent of teens had a calcium intake below the recommended level, which has serious implications for their future bone health.

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become brittle and break very easily. Bones continue to grow and strengthen until the age of 30, and the teenage years are very important to this development. Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorous are vital for this process, with calcium requirements for the teenage years ranging from 800mg to 1,000mg per day.

Calcium-rich foods should be consumed every day. The richest source of calcium in most people's diet is milk and dairy products. Encourage your teenager to eat two to three portions of dairy food each day – for example, a glass of milk, a 150g pot of yoghurt and a small matchbox-sized piece of cheese. If your teenager doesn’t eat dairy products, try fortified soya milk. Dairy foods are often avoided by teenage girls because of concerns about fat content. Low-fat dairy foods are equally rich in calcium, so providing these versions to aid consumption can be helpful.

Foods to choose
Adolescence is a time of rapid growth, and the primary dietary need is for energy - often reflected in a voracious appetite. Ideally, foods in the diet should be rich in energy and nutrients. Providing calories in the form of sugary or fatty snacks can mean nutrient intake is compromised, so teenagers should be encouraged to choose a variety of foods from the other basic food groups:

Plenty of starchy carbohydrates - bread, rice, pasta, breakfast cereals, chapattis, couscous and potatoes
Plenty of fruit and vegetables - at least five portions every day
Two to three portions of dairy products, such as milk, yoghurt, fromage frais and pasteurised cheeses
Two servings of protein, such as meat, fish, eggs, beans and pulses
Not too many fatty foods
Limit sugar-rich food and drinks

Other important dietary habits to follow during adolescence include:

Drink at least eight glasses of fluid a day.
Eat regular meals, including breakfast, as it can provide essential nutrients and improve concentration in the mornings. Choose a fortified breakfast cereal with semi-skimmed milk and a glass of fruit juice.
Take regular exercise, which is important for overall fitness and cardiovascular health, as well as bone development.

The Role Of Protein As A Fat Burner

Scientific studies have recently been conducted to verify the fact that if you eat more protein, especially during a lowered calorie diet, you will wind up losing less muscle tissue than those who don't. It should be pointed out here that the number one thing to remember when losing weight with any method, is to make sure you don't lose too much muscle mass. Muscles increase the metabolism greatly which means if we lose enough of it, our metabolism can drop sharply.

Muscles burn fat because they need calories for maintenance. So the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn daily. People who go on starvation diets lose large amounts of muscle tissue. When these people return to normal eating habits, their metabolism will actually work slower from the lost muscle mass. They will tend to put on even more weight than they initially lost from dieting and losing weight becomes even harder and frustrating.

Protein is a word that literally means "of prime importance". It is an essential nutrient that is used to build the body, especially the muscles. It's also used to build organs, hair, hormones, nails and many more body parts. The human body cannot operate or survive without adequate protein. People who tend to have issues with their weight were found to eat much less protein than needed. Your protein needs will be much higher if you regularly engange in exercise or are very mentally active.

Protein is such a useful tool for weight loss in many ways, one of them being for it's thermic value. Of all the food types, protein has the highest thermic value which means that it is the hardest to digest and uses up more calories in the process. Taking longer to digest, it will leave you feeling satisfied for a longer period of time. It also doesn't cause your blood sugar level to spike too quickly.

An important aspect of protein is that it's made up of what's called amino acids. There are actually 12 essential amino acids that the body is unable to produce by itself and has to acquire them from external food sources. The majority of people are deficient in certain amino acids. This is either because they simply don't consume enough, or that they don't eat foods that have high quality protein within them that the body can easily assimilate. Eggs and yogurt contain protein of high biological value. What this means is that we can use this type of protein much easier than other types. Another good source is whey protein powder.

If the foods that you eat regularly are low in nutrients and amino acids, your body will be hungry more often. This is because it needs to eat a lot to get those nutrients that it needs. If on the other hand, you started to eat nutrient-dense foods, the body will need less food and only need food when it needs calories for energy. This is actually one of the biggest reasons why people fail on crash or fad types of diets. They feel intense hunger when depriving their body from what it really needs.

It needs to be mentioned here that when cook protein, parts of it actually get transformed and destroys certain key amino acids. Protein is sensitive to heat, so it is a good idea to add a few raw protein sources to your current diet. These could include seeds, yogurt, nuts, fruit, some vegetables, whey and cheese that have not been cooked. This will provide you with all 12 of those essential amino acids that the body craves. It can then produce the other acids from the initial 12.

To also help preserve the muscle tissue in the body, you can do more exercise or weight training. If your body needs it's muscle for frequent motion, it will tend not to use them as fuel. It will begin using stores of fat to feed the muscles and cells in the body.

About the author:

Would you like to find out how you can turn your body into a complete fat burner? You definitely need to read the ebook titled: "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle". It contains many fat busting secrets that work in the real world because they have been used by models and bodybuilders. To find out more visit the above link.

Article Source: Article Alley

6 Pack Abdominals

A great article with Ten easy steps to help you get great 6 Pack Abdominals. Lots more exercises on our website, link is at the end of this article.

1. Dance! If you don't like the gym, dancing & aerobics are a great social way to get a weeky dose of exercise. The upbeat music and the new friends that you will make mean the time will pass very quickly.

2. New food. Put down the ice cream, hide the biscuits and change your butter to low fat spread. Change your eating habits so you are eating more fresh fruit and vegetables. Eating less salt, sugar & fatty foods will give you plenty of energy.

3. Drown the fat in water. Make sure you always have plenty of water around to drink, you'll automatically eat less and your body will be in a much better conditon overall.

4. Walking to skinnyville. Take the stairs instead of the lift, everytime you do that you're giving yourself a cheap work out.

5. Watch a funny film. When you laugh your stomach muscles tense up naturally, giving them a mini work out. You will notice that if you have a laughing fit that you double over because your muscles do start to hurt after a while.

6. Scrub like Cinderella. Put your back into the weekly clean and concentrate on tensing your stomach muscles each time you are scrubbing or using the vacuum.

7. Game time. Another great way of escaping the dull gym routine is by playing games instead, soccer, basketball & tennis will give you a great work out. You will also be more likely to push yourself a little bit harder if you are competing with someone else.

8. Swimming is a great way to warm down after a work out, its also an intense session all on its own. You'll get a great work out for the muscles & you'll find it relaxing.

9. Ramble on! A nick walk or a cycle will help burn off even more pounds & its always nice to see the great outdoors.

10. It’s crunch time. Embark on a short set of sit ups or crunches at a time rather than throwing yourself into 3000 in one go. Making it more achievable will make it easier to begin. Those 6 pack abdominals are just round the corner.

If you'd like to learn some great strategies for improving your health check out our website for 6 Pack Abdominals

Author: RyanFlint 

Friday, October 16, 2009

Visionapp Remote Desktop 2009 v6.2

visionapp Remote Desktop 2009 (vRD 2009) is a powerful tool for managing and accessing multiple servers and desktops.
vRD 2009 features unparalleled ease of use, accelerated remote desktop access to servers and workstations, detailed logging features, and a new interface that allows administrators to view all connected machines simultaneously.
Considerably simplifying the administration of their systems, more than 120,000 administrators worldwide consider vRD an indispensable tool for recurring administrative tasks. vRD 2009 supports the protocols: RDP, ICA, VNC, SSH, Telnet, HTTP and HTTPS. This functionality enables you to administrate remote computers in Windows, Citrix, Linux/Unix and Macintosh environments.Benefits
Benefits of vRD 2009
* Use a single, centralized console for the administration of remote servers and desktops
* Multi-protocol support: RDP, ICA, VNC, SSH, Telnet, HTTP and HTTPS
* Have multiple administrators work simultaneously with the same objects without conflicts
* Strengthen compliance through the logging of errors, changes and access attempts
* Simultaneously view all connected machines
* Support of Windows, Citrix, Linux/Unix and Macintosh environments
* Extended security features: Network Level Authentication, Microsoft Terminal Services Gateway
* Administer permissions in database mode © 2008. Design by :Yanku Templates Sponsored by: Tutorial87 Commentcute